Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dreams dreams dreams!!!!!! who dusnt lyk to dream well i think ur dreams are an expression to ur thoughts a gud dream makes u feel grt and happy, while a sad one keeps ur spirits low..... Well u cant control dem bt i feel a happy soul has happy thoughts and inturn gives u sweet dreams atleast i am lucky enuff to hav sweet and nice dreams so guys i thot my first post in ma blog shud b one of ma bestest dream,here it goes
One afternoon after readin an article in da paper, I jus slept off and suddenly wat i saw ws dat i was in an artificial island lyk da Jumaira Island in dubai . I was at the top of a building which had abt 250 floors, really scared and wonderin how i reached der.. suddenly I saw a cousin of mine and he was preparin for sum kinda adventure he ws all excited and happy.I in the meanwhile ws wondering wat on earth was happening and hw did i reach here all of a sudden???? Dats wen i suddenly realised dat i was der 4 bungee jumping and after jumpin onto da sea we wud hav a boat to pick us up ,I ws actually wondering and thinkin dat ppl hav lost it........common Y wud sumbody want 2 jump 4m such a hieght jus for fun????? dats wen i realised dat da only way 2 get out of that god forsaken place was to jump down. This very thought brought tears to my eyes
i cudnt understand wat 2 do to jump down or to stay der 4 da rest of ma lyf......
By da tym i cud think of sumthin my bro had already jumped, and dat left me wid only one option dat was to jump down so nw preparin maself for the worst, tryin to remember all da gods and godesses all da holy scriptures i finally decided to go for it although nt very sure of the circumstances den i put a 100 belts across me closed ma eyes offered prayers and den finally went for it i dun remember a few seconds of ma dream after dat bt the next thin i can remember is dat i cud see the blue sky as pure and serene as it cud b it gave me an ultimate sense of the feelin of purity wat u wud get wen u r sittin in a temple and the next thing ws the sun setting givin me a hope dat it wud cum bak 2moro lyk a smile dat cums 2 ur face after a bad experience ws just over and wen u knw sumthin gud is to happen, den cumes da horizon which taught me dat no matter wat 2 ends cud definately meet and den finally the sea so deep so blue reflcting each and ever aspect of the sky which reminded me of my soul which i think is da mirror to ma thoughts.......... and finlly i saw the boat ma destination wer ma bro was waitin 4 me........ which taught me dat its only u who can overcum ur fears........... and finally i woke up
Also i realised dat the shape of the buildin was lyk da leanin tower of pissa built especially for dis divine experience called bungee jumping......
Dis was ma best dream really very happy to hav had such a nice dream
And nw i aspire to live it hopefully i will........